Monday, August 06, 2007


Well the weeks have gone by again it has been a whirl wind for me and my sister. For a couple years I have done the Relay for Life for American Cancer Society. I have done this in the memory of past victims and survivors of this disease that has touched my life. Well, it has now touched me in a personal way, for my sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of June. This news has just hit us hard. She was handed literature on this matter and what will be happening in weeks to come. Of course she has not pick up the books to read. She had surgery to remove the lump July 11th and that the lymph nodes were not involved. Hooray! We were told that she would only need radiation treatment for it was in its early stages. Again she was handed literature on what will be happening on the next phase of her treatment. Yes, she has not read them. We have been to so many clinics doctors and test for a month and we were happy of this news. Well off we went to the radiology's to get her started with her radiation treatment. went through some of the routines and what is going to happen with her and then we saw the doctor. After a few minutes she asked if we went to a chemo oncologist first before seeing her. Of course we told her no for we were told that she didn't need it. The doctor said she did not want to start radiation until my sister went to see the chemo doctor first. Once again off we went to see another doctor. Well the out come was not in our favor. We were told that she will be needing chemotherapy. once again she was handed more literature to read and given instruction. That hit us hard knowing what she was going to have to do. The good news is that she will be needing only three treatments in a three to four weeks apart. Wow!! However she is very upset that she will be losing her hair. I told her that is minor bump in the road for her life is more important and hair will grow back. This past week went to shop for a wig and she was able to find one that really look like her hair and the way she wears it. she will have her first treatment August 14th and is some what in good spirits. But that when the real reality will set in for both of us.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Relay for Life 2007

Just one more thing

While I was in California my friend and her room mate went to entry their fair pieces at the Contra Costa County fair. Penny, Cay's roommate has never enter a fair before and was just so negative about her cross stitch. Well guess what they both did very well, Cay won a few 1st places for her Afghan and Doliy and division winner for the Doliy. Penny won a 1st place on her cross stitch. here is a pic of it.

May trip to California

Bruce and Wife designed
above Afghan. Pic does no
justice. Group hard at work.

Peter teaching group a new stitch.

On May 17th I took a trip to California to see my Friend Cay. Just to have girl time on catching up on our lives and crocheting . We did not do any tourist things just sat, crochet and talk. She also helped me in getting my Blog up and running and got me back into CrochetParterns club. It just so happen that weekend there was a Crochet Soriee hosted by Peter Franzi at the Oakland Telegraph Community Center(they do great work there on a volunteer bases). So the pics here are from that meeting. I met some wonderful people and hope to see them again when I go back for the CGOA conference in September. I am really looking for to this never been to one that dealt with crocheting and knitting. I have done a lot of craft fairs.

May is gone June is here!

May went by fast, did have a few moments to crochet. On May 4th and 5th My sister and I did the Relay for Life here in Okaloosa County. We represented the Destin Elks Lodge #2688. We did have fun but fell short of our $2000.00 goal. We did raise $1828.00. I want to Thank every one that supported us here is a big THANK YOU!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Here comes May where does time go ?????

Once again I have not been faithful to my blog. I am always off doing something and never take the time to post anymore. I have been very busy even ought I am a retired person (lol). In this past few months I have only crocheted edgings on a few baby blankets and a baby hat. Which the mom said it may be to big, well baby weight 8 lbs I don't think is to big. After I finish up with the Relay for Life May 4th and 5th I do believe I will be able to sit down and maybe crochet one of my pigs that I want to make for the dinning room table. Need to have a few project going for I will be visiting my freind, Cay in California. She is a great help to me on my problems in crocheting and of course in my life, she has been the best Friend in my life.

This an Afghan that I crochet over 10 years ago and won a Blue Ribbon at the Orange County Fair

Here is a hat a neck scarf that I made for a friend that was moving to Kentucky this past winter also gave her the purse i learned to do back in December